UT Fall Pre-Leasing


UT Fall Pre-Leasing

Around UT Austin Campus, Pre-Leasing for the following school year usually begins right around Halloween. The reason for pre-leasing so in advance, is because all the leases begin about the first week of August. The longer you wait, the less options close to campus are available.

As a general guide, the Fall is a great time secure roommates, look for SMART Housing in some of the mid & high rise apartments and look for units larger than 3 bedrooms.

The Spring Semester is generally more active with people looking for units of all types and sizes. Availability is still high, so price shopping and comparing different options is advisable. Keep in mind, during Spring, a lot of the limited availability SMART housing has already been pre-leased and some of the rarest houses and larger units have also been pre-leased.

The Summer Semester has a little more urgency, as school starts within a month or two and people need a lease for the following school year. I notice an increase in international students, grad students, late acceptance students and out of state students looking for housing options. Generally, availability is decreasing but you should be able to find suitable housing as long as you are flexible. This may mean, spending more, spending less, commuting further, not having a washer/dryer in-unit, settling for a 2x1 in stead of 2x2, etc. The point is, availability is lower than normal, so you may have to adjust your needs, or you may get lucky. Thats the summer housing vibe.

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